The green school by 3XN | A full lifetime of sustainable living

The perfect school, who wouldn’t that for his child. But what is now really the perfect school for your child? In such a green environment possible, you often hear, but how do you do that in a big city? In Stockholm they have a new concept, the green school by 3XN.


What is it?
The concept of 3XN is a skyscraper full of greenery. They teach about the foods that can grow there. And they have several green spots on the entire building. It is a place where you can live throughout your life. The main part is a primary school, but they also have a high school, living spaces for students and the elderly.

Why is it cool?
It is new because all ages are put in one building together. It is a completely green building with a primary school where they learn about growing fair food. Throughout the building’s innovative design so that sunlight is everywhere. For example, the green grow anywhere in a natural way. The green building will be more room to build homes without you really destroys nature. It will improve your Quality of life of your material wellbeing trough the housing quality that improve by the green. And your Emotional wellbeing by the positive affect and the satisfaction and fulfilment you will have for al the green surroundings.



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